What People Say
Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque euvestibulum sed risus ultricies.
"I am not filling out performance evaluations at my paid work but with Catch Up I’ve been using it every week for the last 5 months voluntarily for our non-profit and no manager or HR pushes me to do so!"
NarimanRisk Engineer 
"All results we received in just one month aligns with what I observed over a period of 1 year and yet I was not able to bring it up since it looked like a gut feeling and I was not sure if they are accurate! Catch Up made it factual and based on data!"
Steve Scrum master 
"It's just so hard to notify managers about team members' strengths and weaknesses, even if you catch them soon, because managers are mostly either too busy or would ask for proof. Catch Up has been my best friend to notify, as an Architect why I think we can have this person added to our team or why we would have to give a member a different area to work on. and it has been a game changer!"
"I think you're solving a critical problem that we're all facing in this new work environment.
Regarding connecting you with our performance management team and startup growth team, I'm still looking for the right people to introduce you to. I'll get back to you as soon as possible with more information.
I wish you all the best with your new company!"
KiranLeader at Google